Hi, and welcome
Life can often present us with many struggles and challenges, with recent or past events leaving us feeling overwhelmed, stuck, anxious, depressed or with a general feeling of being unhappy.
Navigating this alone can be difficult and well-meaning advice from family and friends, can drown out our own voice and take us away from own innate knowing. Living in a fast-paced world, can also leave us feeling empty and overwhelmed.
Feeling heard and understood can be an empowering experience and giving yourself the space to slow down and heal from your experiences, is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Read on to find out more about how working together could help you to live a more purposeful, meaningful and fulfilling life following grief, loss, change and trauma.

Do you find yourself struggling with:
☑︎ Feeling disoriented, angry and confused about how to move forward from recent or historical loss?
☑︎ Navigating shifting and challenging dynamics with family, friends or your partner?
☑︎ Feeling disconnected from your job/career or usual hobbies/interests?
☑︎ Always being the “strong” one and feeling crushed by the weight of the pressure?
☑︎ A change to your life and/or identity that’s been difficult to adjust to or is bringing up feelings you can’t explain?
☑︎ Grief and loss that isn’t acknowledged or recognised by society (disenfranchised grief)?
☑︎ Losing a parent, sibling or child and wondering who you are, now your loved one isn’t in the world?
☑︎ A difficult relationship with a parent, partner or friend?
☑︎ Anticipatory grief – a loved one is currently dying?
☑︎ Worrying that you and your feelings are a burden to others and will push people away?
☑︎ Not knowing how you feel or being able to express your feelings comfortably?
☑︎ The realisation that a relationship didn’t provide you with what you needed?
☑︎ A hope or dream that couldn’t materialise?
☑︎ Staying constantly busy by throwing yourself into work or losing hours to mindlessly scrolling social media.
☑︎ Always saying yes or hiding your needs, emotions and wants to avoid conflict and keep the peace?
Do you find yourself feeling:
☑︎ Stuck, lost and confused?
☑︎ Overwhelmed with grief, sadness or anxiety following a death or non-death loss?
☑︎ Sadness and heaviness following a change or life transition – whether it was wanted/expected or unwanted/unexpected?
☑︎ Crumbling under the pressure of others expectations?
☑︎ Numb and emotionally detached?
☑︎ Constantly on edge and waiting “for the next bad thing to happen”?
☑︎ Frequent periods of low mood and/or increased irritability that feels uncontrollable?
☑︎ Weighed down by the expectations of others?
☑︎ Like you don’t matter or that you’re never good enough?
☑︎ Scared of being left, abandoned or rejected or of something bad happening to your loved ones?
☑︎ Exhausted no matter how much sleep you get?
☑︎ Bored, unfulfilled and restless?
☑︎ Lonely and isolated – even if you have family and friends around?