
The information on this website is for general purposes and not tailored to meet any individual needs.

I do not offer a crisis service and I encourage you to contact your GP or healthcare provider if you are in crisis. You can also contact The Samaritans, Tel: 116 123, telephone 111 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department (A&E)  

I am not a medical professional and I am not qualified to diagnose, so please consult with your GP or healthcare provider for any diagnosis or medication treatment. If you are ever concerned about your physical or mental health, I encourage you to seek an appointment with your GP or healthcare provider.

There is no one size fits all therapy. We are all different, with unique backgrounds and resources, and so specific outcomes cannot be predicted or guaranteed. 

Using information from this website and engaging in therapy sessions with me is an acceptance of this. 

Your committed engagement to your therapy sessions will give you the best chance of experiencing maximum therapeutic benefit.